100 Point Health: Introduction

While it may sound counterintuitive to non-drinkers of alcoholic beverages, many who imbibe even a small amount of alcoholic beverages are concerned about their health. Additionally, it would appear that those who predominantly drink wine are more concerned about their health than non-wine drinkers. A number of articles have been written that lay out the purported reasons why this is so, with the principal argument revolving around the notion of wine consumption as only one component of a lifestyle that considers good physical and mental health of paramount importance.

Innumerable studies and reports of all kinds deal with a myriad of factors revolving around alcohol consumption, but few of these studies and reports focus on the practical, day-to-day steps that a person can take to be as healthy as she or he wants, consistent with the amount of alcohol that such a person enjoys as part of a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of this column is to attempt to communicate to readers how to achieve 100 Point Health, while enjoying a balanced approach to drinking alcoholic beverages.

This column will focus on a variety of issues related to achieving 100 Point Health. Some topic areas to be explored are: 

  1. Diet and Nutrition
  2. Nutritional Supplementation with Vitamins, Minerals, etc.
  3. Physical Exercise
  4. Stress Management
  5. Sleep
  6. Environmental Toxins
  7. Gender
  8. Race and Ethnicity
  9. Genetics

This column will also explore and explain various medical tests that can be undertaken to ascertain your individual health profile, including basic and advanced blood tests, as well as other tests that may be suggested in your particular situation.

Finally, questions from readers will be welcome, and every attempt will be made to answer as many questions as possible. Suggestions regarding future column topics are also appreciated. 

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