Mendocino County: A Visit to Boonville

What you get when driving through Boonville and beyond on Highway 128 through Anderson Valley is a genuine sense of place—the feeling that Mendocino County is a collective group of...

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Best of 2016: Lisa Perrotti-Brown

What can I say? 2016 was a year of giddying heights and dizzying lows, vinously and personally. The wine world lost some truly beautiful minds. But it appears mother nature...

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Russian River Valley Part 6: Exploring Santa Rosa Plain

As the name suggests, the Santa Rosa Plain neighborhood is the flatter region of the Russian River Valley. Most of these vineyard sites are heavily dominated by the clay-based Huichica...

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France, Southern Rhône Valley: Part Two - The 2014s and 2015s

I published Part One of the Southern Rhône notes in Issue 227, with the focus on Châteauneuf du Pape Producers. Part Two steps outside Châteauneuf du Pape and includes all...

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Argentina: 2016 - The Sky is the Limit

I didn’t have any intention of reporting on a larger number of wines from Argentina than I did last time, which was my biggest report ever...But somehow I ended up...

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Portugal: From Best to Worst - The New Tintos and Other End of Year Releases

After recently reviewing the 2015 Brancos, one of the great white vintages ever, Portugal now faces the 2014 reds--which may be one of the most challenging red vintages in a...

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Mendocino County: A Visit to Philo

Sure, the wine industry brings visitors like myself to Anderson Valley, but growing grapes and making wine is not all that Anderson Valley is about. If you have ever visited...

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Best of 2016: Monica Larner

The past 12 months have offered exceptional tasting surprises in Italian wine. The international marketplace has been replenished with beautiful new releases and impressive vintages representing the best of Italy,...

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Morimoto Napa

Great sashimi has other factors besides freshness that render it great, e.g. it should be tender yet firm and never mushy—but the texture, like so many of sashimi’s attributes, is...

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The Nuances of Single-Block Wine: Black Kite Cellars

In the world of California wine, a single-vineyard bottling denotes that 95% of the fruit must be sourced from that vineyard. But what then, does it mean when a bottle...

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