Italy, Chianti Classico: Discoveries from Castellina in Chianti

This is the first article in a seven-part series that will focus on seven villages of Tuscany’s Chianti Classico, Italy’s premier wine region....

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Italy, Chianti Classico: Discoveries From Radda In Chianti

This report focuses on Radda in Chianti and is part of a larger seven-piece series on the wines of Tuscany’s Chianti Classico wine region....

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Italy, Tuscany: Chianti Classico (New Releases)

With each year that I do this job, I come closer to articulating and authenticating a thesis that I instinctively know to be true. That is: There is no greater...

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Italy, Tuscany: A Montevertine Le Pergole Torte Retrospective (Plus New Releases)

Every important wine region has its standalone estate—that one producer who sticks to his or her guns no matter which way the prevailing winds blow. In Chianti Classico, that producer...

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Italy, Tuscany: Vino Nobile di Montepulciano (Part 2)

This report is an extension of the 66 tasting notes published one month ago. Across the world of wine, important regions face a widening identity crisis that pits large-volume commercial...

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